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Program / Major | Description | Careers | Resources |
Native American Studies | Founded solidly in the tradition of liberal arts, the History and Native American Studies (NAS) programs at ECU emphasize developing the skills to think critically, analyze information, solve problems and communicate with others. |
foreign language and literature teacher, lawyer, legislative officers, librarian, museum curator, records departments officer, teacher | Degree Checklist 4 Year Plan |
Native American Studies - Cultural Resource Management | The Cultural Resource Management concentration is designed for ECU students interested in learning to manage cultural resources that include heritage and the arts. | Degree Checklist 4 Year Plan |
Nursing | The Department of Nursing offers the Bachelor of Science with a major in nursing degree to pre-licensure ECU students at its three campus sites in Ada and Durant. | cardiology nurse , forensic nurse , home health care nurse, intensive care unit nurse, legal nurse consultant, military nurse, nurse, nurse administrator, nurse investigator, obstetrical nurse, oncology nurse, operating room nurse, pediatric nurse, public health care nurse, school nurse | Degree Checklist 4 Year Plan |
Nursing - RN to BSN Concentration |