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East Central University’s Veterans Upward Bound Program will be hosting Veterans and Military Appreciation Day Thursday, May 14, in the Chickasaw Business and Conference Center.

The event is free and open to the public.

Activities begin at 9 a.m. with information tables. Various programs, organizations and businesses, who provide services for veterans and military service members, will be on hand to provide information until 1 p.m.

In celebrating 20 years of Veterans Upward Bound on the ECU campus, a special program is planned at 10 a.m. The program will include three student testimonials - one from Coty Dildine by video - and the other two live by Kim Hayes Williams and Danny Maylen.

Dildine completed his bachelor’s degree from ECU in December and is now working for Congressman Tom Cole. Williams is completing her master’s degree this month at the University of Oklahoma. Maylen is a current ECU student and the recipient of the Bret D. Isenhower Scholarship, which will be presented to him during the program.

VUB will be honoring the memory of Isenhower during the event.

Sent by Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin’s office, Brigadier General Hopper T. Smith will be presenting a special proclamation with May 14 being Veterans Upward Bound Day in the state of Oklahoma.

Smith is an assistant adjutant general for the Army, Oklahoma National Guard. He advises and assists the adjutant general on the oversight of training, administration, logistics and personnel actions. He directs the immediate staff and provides guidance to the staff and subordinate commanders.

Rita A. Aragon, major general (retired) and secretary of military and veterans affairs, could possibly be in attendance as well.

Lunch will be provided following the program and a door prize drawing will be held at 12:30 p.m.

For more information on Veterans and Military Appreciation Day contact Mary Meeks, Veterans Upward Bound Director, at 580-559-5541 or .



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