The Mission of the Human Services Counseling Program is to provide a baccalaureate program designed to furnish the necessary skills for entry-level employment in human services positions in a variety of government, civic, and private organizations.


The primary object of the Human Services Counseling Program is to provide preparation for individuals who desire to pursue a career in human service fields. The Program helps students develop the knowledge and skills to be employed in a variety of organizations and agencies which provide human services.

Goals of the Program are: 

  • to prepare students to pursue a career in human service professions;
  • to assist in supplying the human resources needed to staff the increasing number of programs in human services;
  • to provide a sound undergraduate education for graduate studies in human service fields.



Students are encouraged to join professional organizations such as the Oklahoma Counseling Association, the National Rehabilitation Association, and the Oklahoma Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf as student members. Joining departmental clubs, such as the Human Services Club and Silent Friends Club, provide students the opportunity for campus leadership and involvement. Participation in community, civic, fraternal, and honor societies is also strongly encouraged.



Departmental Brochure