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- BUSINESS LEADERS ASSOCIATION: the umbrella organization and starting place for all students interested in any aspect of business. This group provides all-inclusive opportunities to learn, explore and have fun. Meetings are held twice a month and this group leads the way in activities such as participating in homecoming, welcoming everyone back to school, getting students involved and hosting informative speakers and programs. Dues are $15 for the fall and spring semesters but students can join at any time. The advisor for this group is Ms. Kristen Byers.
- THE MARKETING CLUB: the goal of this group is to increase their marketing skills and knowledge of all aspects of marketing through trips, speakers, activities, and service projects, such as the HuGS (hats, gloves, socks) donations. The club has no fee to join. The advisor for this group is Kristen Byers.
- DELTA MU DELTA: ECU’s business honor society recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students through a community of business scholars that foster the well-being of its individual members, the school of business and the business community. To be invited to join students must be in the upper 20% of their class. The advisor for this group is Dr. Michael Scott.
- ECU ENTREPRENEURS: an organization of those interested in all things entrepreneurial. This organization is closely connected with ECU’s Wilburn L. Smith Center for Entrepreneurship. The advisor for this group and director of the Wilburn L. Smith Center for Entrepreneurship is Dr. Stacey Bolin.
- ENACTUS: Enactus is the largest experiential learning platform developing NextGen Leaders. We are present in 65 countries and on more than 1,800 university campuses. With the help of 550 global corporate partners, Enactus provides over 72,000 students worldwide the opportunity to work on difference-making projects.
- SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (SHRM) STUDENT CHAPTER: The ECU chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a student-led organization that provides opportunities for students to network with HR professionals and learn more about managing and leading people in business. The advisor for ECU’s student chapter of SHRM is Mr. Dale Powers.
- STUDENT CENTER FOR THE PUBLIC TRUST: this group, Oklahoma’s only student chapter, is a part of a national network of college students who demonstrate a commitment to ethical leadership. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in training sessions, conferences, community service and business ethics competitions. In addition, students are given opportunities to learn about the accounting profession and network with Certified Public Accountants from across the county. Student CPT chapters are supported by the NASBA Center for the Public Trust (CPT). The advisor for this group is Vicky Petite who is a Founding Member of the ECU Chapter and current member of the board of directors of the NASBA Center for the Public Trust. Ms. Petete is assisted by Ms. Julie Lee and Mr. Joe Dougherty.