About Delta Mu Delta:

Delta Mu Delta is a business honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students through a community of business scholars that foster the well-being of its individual members, the school of business and the business community.


To be invited to join, students must meet the following requirements:
     1. Have completed at least 60 credit hours 
     2. Be in the upper 20% of their class
     3. Have completed 24 hours at ECU


Delta Mu Delta allows students to have many wonderful opportunities from scholarships, to trips and conferences. Joining Delta Mu Delta not only gives students a chance to be recognized for their outstanding scholastic work, but it also lets them network with others in the business world to help enhance their future careers.

Delta Mu Delta Officers:

Tiffany Adkins, President

Ryan Jolly, Vice President

Chloe Hull, Secretary

Jon Schwake, Treasurer

Delta Mu Delta Members:

Alexa Adair 
Tiffany Adkins 
Ashley Armentrout 
Meagan Bagwell 
Kelsey Belicek  
Casey Black  
Heather Blakely 
Corey Burton  
Madison Camp   
Caleb Capps    
Sydney Cavins   
Jose Chavez   
Dalton Cordell   
Jennifer Davis   
Kelly Dickey   
Dustin Duncan 

Morgan Edwards
Angela Ellis  
Srijita Ghosh  
Marissa Hair  
Jaime Hale  
Caleb Hardage   
Kendall Hargis   
Chloe Hull   
Ryan Jolly   
Wyatt Jones    
Sadie Kilby  
Kane Konsure  
Jiajun Lin   
Andrea Sosa Marrero 
Jacey McDonald    
Miranda McNabb    

Jessica Metzer
Lisa Muhwati
Jordyn Naugle
Shelby O’Dell
Quentin Palmer
Seth Phillips
Morgan Pruitt
Alexis Row
Sarah Sanford
Jon Schwake
Timothy Snow
Emily Stinson
Chelsea Tucker
Dustin Welch
Dylan West
Destanie Wilson

Visit the Delta Mu Delta Website

For more information about Delta Mu Delta, please contact Dr. Michael Scott.
Chickasaw Business & Conference Center 343